Superwoman Schema and Psychophysiological Correlates of CVD Risks Among Black Women

Superwoman Schema (SWS) idealizes Black women as relentlessly strong, capable, and giving. SWS may alter the experience of stress for Black women leading to affective responses. It is unclear which aspects of SWS are linked with positive versus negative affect. Understanding these associations may serve as an important link between SWS and cardiovascular disease risks.
Study Population
90 community-dwelling African American women recruited within community, community organizations, and college campuses in Orange and Los Angeles Counties.
Study Aims
Aim 1:
Examine cross-sectional associations between SWS endorsement, discrimination, affect, and salivary alpha-amylase (sAA).
Aim 2:
Examine longitudinal associations (over 7 days) between baseline SWS, affect, and sAA using Ecological Momentary Assessments.